Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia ARE YOU AT RISK? According to a new study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institute on Aging, men and women with hearing loss are much more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's disease. People with severe hearing loss, the study reports, were 5 times more likely to develop dementia than those with normal hearing. Have you noticed a change in your ability to remember? "The more hearing loss you have, the greater the likelihood of developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Hearing aids could delay or prevent dementia by improving the patient's hearing." 2011 Study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institute on Aging IS IT TIME FOR A HEARING TEST? TAKE THIS QUIZ TO FIND OUT... Do you feel that people mumble or do not speak clearly? Do you turn the TV up louder than others need to? Do family or friends get frustrated when you ask them to repeat themselves? Hing If you've answered "Yes" to any one of these questions, there's good news! Miracle-Ear can help! Don't wait another moment. Call us today. Free Free "Hearing loss, left untreated, can lead to serious problems such as loneliness and isolation." FREE PUBLIC SERVICE 5-Days Only! All of the tests are FREE! Your hearing will be electronically tested" and you will be shown how your hearing compares to normal hearing. Do you have trouble understanding the voices of women and small children when they are speaking? Is it hard to follow the conversation in noisy places like parties, crowded restaurants or family get-togethers? Your ears will be examined with a video otoscope to determine if your hearing problem may just be excess wax. Free In-store demonstration of the newest Miracle-Ear technology so you for yourself! Ontario 1636 E. Idaho Ave., Ste. 102 Ontario, OR 97914 (541) 216-4832 Mention Code: 23JanAlzheimer OFFER ENDS February 3, 2023 Don't Wait! Call and make your appointment now! Miracle-Ear® Emmett 103 N. Commercial Emmett, ID 83617 (208) 994-7457 Special Notice State Employees. You may qualify for a hearing aid benefit up to $4,000 every 4 years. Call for eligibility status. McCall 411 C. Third St McCall, ID 83638 (208) 714-0109 Meridian 8 W. Franklin Road Meridian, ID 83642 (208) 643-9223 Garden City Boise 10557W Carlton Bay Dr, Suite 106 8239 W. Franklin Road Garden City, ID 83714 (208) 258-7504 Boise Parkcenter 1175 E Parkcenter Blvd Ste 103 Boise, ID 83706 (208) 820-3772 Nampa 1850 Caldwell Blvd, Ste. 140 Nampa, ID 83651 (206) 650-4168 Boise, ID 83709 (208) 874-4505 visit us online at: will vary depending on arvey Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia ARE YOU AT RISK ? According to a new study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institute on Aging , men and women with hearing loss are much more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's disease . People with severe hearing loss , the study reports , were 5 times more likely to develop dementia than those with normal hearing . Have you noticed a change in your ability to remember ? " The more hearing loss you have , the greater the likelihood of developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease . Hearing aids could delay or prevent dementia by improving the patient's hearing . " 2011 Study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institute on Aging IS IT TIME FOR A HEARING TEST ? TAKE THIS QUIZ TO FIND OUT ... Do you feel that people mumble or do not speak clearly ? Do you turn the TV up louder than others need to ? Do family or friends get frustrated when you ask them to repeat themselves ? Hing If you've answered " Yes " to any one of these questions , there's good news ! Miracle - Ear can help ! Don't wait another moment . Call us today . Free Free " Hearing loss , left untreated , can lead to serious problems such as loneliness and isolation . " FREE PUBLIC SERVICE 5 - Days Only ! All of the tests are FREE ! Your hearing will be electronically tested " and you will be shown how your hearing compares to normal hearing . Do you have trouble understanding the voices of women and small children when they are speaking ? Is it hard to follow the conversation in noisy places like parties , crowded restaurants or family get - togethers ? Your ears will be examined with a video otoscope to determine if your hearing problem may just be excess wax . Free In - store demonstration of the newest Miracle - Ear technology so you for yourself ! Ontario 1636 E. Idaho Ave. , Ste . 102 Ontario , OR 97914 ( 541 ) 216-4832 Mention Code : 23JanAlzheimer OFFER ENDS February 3 , 2023 Don't Wait ! Call and make your appointment now ! Miracle - Ear® Emmett 103 N. Commercial Emmett , ID 83617 ( 208 ) 994-7457 Special Notice State Employees . You may qualify for a hearing aid benefit up to $ 4,000 every 4 years . Call for eligibility status . McCall 411 C. Third St McCall , ID 83638 ( 208 ) 714-0109 Meridian 8 W. Franklin Road Meridian , ID 83642 ( 208 ) 643-9223 Garden City Boise 10557W Carlton Bay Dr , Suite 106 8239 W. Franklin Road Garden City , ID 83714 ( 208 ) 258-7504 Boise Parkcenter 1175 E Parkcenter Blvd Ste 103 Boise , ID 83706 ( 208 ) 820-3772 Nampa 1850 Caldwell Blvd , Ste . 140 Nampa , ID 83651 ( 206 ) 650-4168 Boise , ID 83709 ( 208 ) 874-4505 visit us online at : will vary depending on arvey