LIVE ESTATE AUGTION DOWNSAUCTION MARY BALL ESTATE MARCH 25TH, 2022 AT 11AM 4 pairs. (3) one-year-old heifers, (1) steer, Hand & Long Guns, 1000 + rounds of Ammo, Antiques & Collectibles, Tools, Furniture, and more. You don't want to miss it! TERMS: Cash or Credit. 10% Buyers premium. Concessions on site. PREVIEW: MARCH 24TH, 10-5 PM LOCATION: 3409 LITTLE ROCK RD. EMMETT, ID Office: (208)939-9456 221 S Eagle Rd. Eagle, ID LIVE ESTATE AUGTION DOWNSAUCTION MARY BALL ESTATE MARCH 25TH, 2022 AT 11AM 4 pairs. (3) one-year-old heifers, (1) steer, Hand & Long Guns, 1000 + rounds of Ammo, Antiques & Collectibles, Tools, Furniture, and more. You don't want to miss it! TERMS: Cash or Credit. 10% Buyers premium. Concessions on site. PREVIEW: MARCH 24TH, 10-5 PM LOCATION: 3409 LITTLE ROCK RD. EMMETT, ID Office: (208)939-9456 221 S Eagle Rd. Eagle, ID